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Thursday 7 July 2011

Flowers at the Temple

My sisters, all 6 of us, went to the Boise, Idaho Temple. We were overflowing with tears and joy to be in the Lord's hallowed halls. My sister Athlyn and I went back for another sealing session. We each had names of sisters from the late 1800's one from Iowa and another from Sweden but we marveled that the sisters each had a name of a flower: Daisey and Lillie.Athlyn and I had a spiritual high in the ceiling room and left feeling buoyant and loved and happy in the service of God.

I always feel that God gives us tests but also blessings after we leave the temple--- and more importantly he gives us reminders of His love and awareness of us. When we left the temple, I wasn't surprised that there were flowers: Lilly's and Daisies placed in our path. In fact we kept seeing these specific flowers throughout the day wherever we went. It was almost a "thank you" from the spirit world from these newly endowed sisters but also a hug from heaven. We two "unprofitable servants" were paid more than full for our service of time and now whenever I see a flower, I know that God loves us.

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