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Sunday, 24 April 2011

Good Still Happens in the World

Allicia Hubbs, professional photographer extraordinaire, went with a new convert family to the San Diego Temple. She graced us with some springtime images of the Lord's House in California.
(You can find Allicia on FaceBook at Hubbs-Home-Photography)

Looking at Allicia's photos, I couldn't help but think that these flowers outside the temple represent how we look every time we leave the temple, bright and beautiful and ready to bring joy to the world.

The newly converted family that Allicia captured on their happy day, are moving to Japan with the military. Their endowments and sealing at the San Diego Temple will give them the courage and strength to deal with the aftermath of the earthquake and Tsunami and move to a new country. And they in turn will help bring new growth to Japan with the gospel's good news.

I would like to share with you a quote by a woman who visits the temple regularly: "You can't help but leave the Temple feeling uplifted. You learn charity and love and compassion. You leave the cares of the day outside the doors of the temple, and when you go out, your feet are led to the paths you've been searching for to help you with some problem you might have."
May your feet lead to you the temple often and when you leave the hallowed walls may you feel God leading you down the path of righteousness and happiness.

(Photos by Allicia Hubbs)

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